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Jays Logistics (South West) Ltd Modern Slavery Act


This policy has been made in relation to section 54(1) of the modern slavery act 2015 and constitutes the modern slavery and human trafficking statement for Jays Logistics.

Here at Jays we are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain or in any part of our business.

Jays logistics sees to provide a work environment where employees are treated with respect, dignity and consideration.

Jays operates to ensure fairness in recruitment, retention and development of all employees and seeks to comply with all applicable employment legislations.

The following measures are in place as part of our commitment to identify and eradicate slavery and human trafficking form within our business, and form those businesses with which we interact;

  • We work closely with our supply chains to ensure compliance with legislative obligations and we expect those organisations to have suitable anti-slavery and human trafficking policies in place
  • We seek to build long standing relationships with suppliers and to make clear our expectations of ethical business behaviour
  • We have systems in place to encourage the reporting of concerns and the protection of whistle blowers

Modern slavery present an ongoing risk and as such we will continuously be reviewing our established risk management processes.

We will continue to advance our process and procedure is order to mitigate risk factors associated with modern slavery and human trafficking, we will do this by;

  • Identifying and assessing potential risk areas in the supply chain
  • Mitigate the risk of slavery and trafficking occurring in the supply chain

Specific training is provided or undertaken by Jays staff, this is due to what we perceive to a low risk profile of suppliers



Paul Phillips

Operations Director

Date 5/1/2024

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