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Environmental policy

At Jays we recognize that concern for the environment is an integral and fundamental part of the company’s business strategy. Directors and Managers at all levels throughout the company are committed to ensuring that environmental issues are considered carefully when making decisions or when planning and controlling work.

All colleagues, visitors and contractors are encouraged to act in accordance with the Environmental Policy and supporting standards and are given appropriate training and education to do so if required. We will inform suppliers and customers about the company’s environmental policy and environmental management system and seek their co-operation in meeting objectives. The company is committed to continually review and improve its environmental performance and will provide information regarding the environment management system to the public on request.

Jays will operate an environmental management system that will facilitate the achievement of the following objectives:-

  • To continuously improve operational efficiency through appropriate investment in both machinery and personnel
  • To implement a training program for all staff to raise awareness of environmental issues and enlist their support in improving the Company’s performance
  • To minimise our use of carbon generating fuel, advanced driver training (Safe & Fuel Efficient Driving), and the use of fuel efficient modern vehicles
    (Euro 6 engines)
  • To continuously improve energy efficiency
  • Minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible
  • To assess the environmental performance of our suppliers
  • To prevent pollution and protect the environment
  • To immediately control any pollution that occurs
  • To ensure that this policy is communicated throughout the company
  • Provide a framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets


Energy consumption – Electricity/Gas/Oil

Category: Direct as a consequence of activities

Indirect impact through supply chain and contracted businesses

Description: Power required for running all IT systems, machines , lighting, heating, AC, hot water

Diesel fuel represents the largest part of the environmental impact of our business

Aspect history: First assessment 05/10/2023

Details of action taken – being taken :

Diesel usage being monitored by compliance

Fuel additive being trialled

Change all lighting to LED’s

Heating and AC to monitored by management

Risk and potential impact

Risks: Overuse/unnecessary use, or inefficient use of fuels in haulage and in the office can lead to added cost and contribute to environmental damage

Impact: Use of diesel fuel causes a global depletion in natural resources and increases air pollution through carbon and NOX emissions. Use of electricity depletes natural resources through the burning of coal or gas produces greenhouse gasses. A reduction in usage would reduce are carbon footprint, benefiting the environment and a financial saving to the company

Controls in place

Electricity: “switch it off if not in use” philosophy by ALL staff 

Monitor usage

A/C to be limited to use in extreme temperatures only

Diesel: Telemetry systems fitted to all LGV’s

Driver training in SAFED – reduce fuel usage

Monitoring of driver performance in fuel usage

Monitor vehicle fuel efficiency

Procurement of Euro 6 vehicles 


Resource depletion – Natural and manmade materials

Category: Direct as a consequence of activities

Description: Papper used by the office and administrative activities 

Water used in the kitchens, toilets, and vehicle wash

Aspect history: First assessment 05/10/2023

Details of actions taken – to be taken:

Digitalis walkaround checks 

Digitalis new starter paperwork

Digitalise toolbox talks – FORS training

Put in place recycling facilities

Lorry and trailer wash water to be recycled

Discharge from lorry and trailer was to accumulate in interceptor tanks – removed periodically

Water waste and effluent form kitchens and toilets are handled by the water company

Risk and potential impact

Risk: Paper usage low, limited quantities and controlled 

Water usage low to medium 

Recycling usage medium to high

Fire run off water – high risk of contamination

Impact: Paper in the cases of general usage no significant impact

Peper and recyclables contribute to landfill

Water usage depletes the natural resources

Controls in place:

Paper usage to be monitored

Digitalis as much as possible

Monitor water usage





Hazardous waste

Category: Arising as a direct consequence of our actions

Description of aspect: 

Hazardous waste would consist of oil, fluorescent tube, batteries, feminine hygiene waste, old chemicals, AC coolants and other items that may be classified as hazardous under the Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005

Aspect history: First assessment 05/10/2023

Details of actions taken – to be taken:

Minimal quantities of hazardous waste are produced during operations, wherever possible we will look to reduce or eliminate the production of hazardous waste

Spills kits in several locations on site

We keep a log containing hazardous waste carries certificates, transfer notes and quarterly returns

Hazchem kits in all LGV’s that carry hazardous waste

Risk and potential impact

Risk: Hazardous waste contaminating non-hazardous waste – risk of prosecution

Contamination of land and waterways due to improper storage facilities

Improper waste carrier removing waste form site

Release of Ozone depleting gases into the environment

Impact: Prosecution

Company image sullied

Controls in place: Waste transfer notes in place for any potentially hazardous waste

Contractual arrangements with suppliers

Spills kits

Statutory nuisance issues – Noise, odour, light, dust

Category: Directly arising from direct consequences of our activities

Description of aspect:

Nuisance issues have been identified in serval areas of our business, especial with night time work – vehicles working in the depo and traveling through communities

Aspect history: First assessment 05/10/2023

Details of actions taken – to be taken:

House keeping regime in place

Loading unloading to only take place during social house

Outdoor lighting to not face any neighbouring properties

LGV’s to not sound horns and turn off left hand single during certain times

LGV’s to stick to main routes after certain times

Risk and potential impact

Risk: To cause a nuisance in any way to others

Impact: prosecution

Loss of reputation

Breakdown of community support


Controls in place: Risk assessment of areas

Regular cleaning and housekeeping

Maintenance of site machinery, systems and vehicles

Spillages – Water and land pollution

Category: Directly arising as consequence of our activities

Description of aspect:

The potential for spillages has been identified in serval areas of our site, such as the unit parking areas the diesel fuel tanks and storage tanks.

Deisel tanks are double skinned and are maintained annually and assessed bi-annually

In the event of a fire, fire run off water would also fall under this category. 

Aspect history: first assessment 05/10/2023

Details of actions taken – to be taken:

Environmental training for all staff

Spill kits to be placed around the site